Meet Zoe! Class of 2011 | Oil City, Pennsylvania Senior Photographer

. I met Zoe last fall.  It was an absolutely beautiful Saturday afternoon.   And Zoe was such a beautiful and oh-so-sweet girl.  I immediately knew we were going to have a great session. The colors were gorgeous and the light was amazing.  And Zoe had such cute shoes!

When I talk to my clients prior to our session and we discuss time of day of the session, location and other details, I also provide suggestions on types of outfits that may work best.   In fact, some of my seniors even have brought a pile of clothing options and we decide together what clothes will look best with each location or backdrop.  It can look very cool to pick an outfit that coordinates with the location colors.

But one tip I definitely mention to every client is - SHOES MATTER!   Many people don't realize how the wrong shoes can really detract from a portrait, while the right shoes can just be the icing on the cake.  I suggest staying away from white, athletic shoes, dirty flip-flops and scuffed loafers.  I love simple, stylish shoes, colorful flats, hot heels, cool boots!

Zoe did not need any help with shoes or clothing choices.  She knew exactly what to do.   One of the first things I notice about her were her adorable purple tennis shoes!  She obviously loved them too so I made sure they were included in some of the portraits!

I had such a great time with Zoe and her dad that afternoon.   She was enthusiastic and up for anything.   And I was honored to be her senior photographer.

It is very hard for me to pick all time favorite client photos, but Zoe's definitely are in the running!!!


Thank you all so much!!!!!

Until next time!