Miranda and Clint - just because...| Oil City, Pennsylvania Photographer

. I originally met Miranda and Clint almost 2 years ago when I was hired to take photos at a local company picnic.   I was taking a photo of each family at the picnic, so I met quite a few families that day.   But I do remember distinctly Miranda and Clint.  We only talked a few minutes, but they were a couple that you instantly like and instantly know they are down-to-earth good people.

Miranda contacted me late this past summer and wanted to schedule a session with her boyfriend.  They aren't engaged (yet), they just wanted to have a session where they can capture how they feel about each other right now.  And I thought that sounded pretty great.

We met early one October morning at Two Mile Run park.  It was a bit cool and cloudy, but the colors were rich and beautiful.  I truly enjoyed meeting Miranda and Clint again and, honestly, I think we spent more time chatting then we did taking photos!!  They were so interesting as they love to travel and have lots of hobbies.  They were also just kind and fun to hang around with.  And I left our session with a huge smile on my face - and so thankful that I have such a wonderful job where I get to meet such incredible people.

I think the photos truly show their personalities and how much they really love each other!

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Thank you both so much.  I wish you all the best in your future together!!!!