
A Happy boy turns one! | Franklin, Pennsylvania Child Photography

I met sweet Gavin on a beautiful fall afternoon in Hasson Park in Oil City, Pennsylvania.  This little guy had just turned one and mom wanted to capture this oh-so-sweet time in his life.  And, as you can see, this is one very happy and extremely adorable little boy!!!!  I just ADORE one year olds!!!  I swear this is probably the cutest and most sweet age.  

Thank you all so much!!  I really enjoyed meeting this sweetie-pie!!!  Onto the photos!

Sweet Baby Boy! | Beaver County Pennsylvania Lifestyle Newborn Photography

Oh newborns......I just absolutely LOVE pretty much everything and anything when it comes to brand new babies.  I miss those days so much!!!

This little guy was pretty much one of the biggest "tiny" babies I have ever worked with - weighing over 10 pounds at birth!   It was such a pleasure meeting him and his adoring parents in their beautiful home.  We started in his nursery which, amazingly, included a mural drawn by his dad!  It is GORGEOUS!!!!!

Thank you so much Jen and Mike!  Now onto the photos!!!

And if you are expecting your own little bundle of joy and are interested in scheduling a natural and simple newborn session, it is never to early to get on my calendar.  I pencil in your session with your due date and then just adjust as needed.  To learn more, or to schedule your session, please contact me

Another wonderful family session! | Mars, Pennsylvania Family Photography

Well, I feel like I have really been off the radar lately.  I can't believe I am already facing the last few days of summer vacation.  I swear the last day of school was just a couple weeks ago!!!  It just makes me so sad because I hate to even think about how quickly my own kids are growing up.  There HAS to be a way to slow down this crazy ride!!!  

Speaking of growing up.... I just love working with repeat clients and having the honor of watching and documenting their little ones as they grow up!  I have worked with this sweet family a few times now and they never disappoint.  They are a family who is honestly and completely in love.  Their kids are crazy and fun!  And I always have so much fun seeing them all!

We did this session during one of the first nice spurts of weather in late April.  We worried a bit about whether the weather would cooperate - and it ended up being just perfect.

Thank you so much Jen, Mike and all the kiddos!!!!  

Now onto the photos!